Royal bengal tiger
The Bengal tiger, or Royal Bengal tiger, wanders an extensive variety of natural surroundings including high elevations, tropical and subtropical rainforests, mangroves, and fields. They are principally found in parts of India, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh and Myanmar.
Male Bengal tigers measure 8 to 10 ft (2 to 3m) long, and can weigh from 440-650 lb (200-300kg). Female Bengal tigers measure from around 8 to right around 9 ft (2.5 to 2.6 m) and say something around 220 to 400 lb (100 to 181 kg).
Every white tiger are a variety in shade of the Bengal tiger, a few tigers have been accounted for that are white with or without dark stripes.
Bengal tigers chase medium and substantial estimated creatures, for example, wild pig, badgers, water bison, deer goats and have been know not on little elephants and rhino calves. They are know for their energy and in one episode a Bengal tiger was accounted for dragging without end a dead gaur which 13 men were not ready to move.
As a gaur can measure 1 ton or more, it would mean the tiger must have the capacity to drag something 5 times its own particular weight.
Bengal tigers chase for the most part around severing so as to even time, inflicting so as to kill their prey the spinal string, or a suffocation nibble (for the most part for bigger prey).
Similarly as with different types of tigers, territory misfortune and poaching are key dangers to the Bengal's survival tiger. They are not just slaughtered for their skin and for their body parts which are utilized to make customary Asian prescriptions.